貸款 - English translation - Linguee

    2024-07-11 12:41

    貸款及應 收賬項其後採用 有效利息法按攤銷成本列賬。. asiasat.com. asiasat.com. Loans and recei vables are. [...] subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method. asiasat.com. asiasat.com. 除政 府的保證外,實際決定息率時 ,貸款 機 構 會按相關因素而對每間借款 企業 ...

    貸款 - English translation - Linguee

    贷款到期-翻译为英语-例句中文| Reverso Context

    在英语中翻译"贷款到期". maturity of the loan. loan maturity. loans fall due. 贷款到期不能归还至担保机构履行代偿责任之间的期限,最长不得超过3个月。. The maturity of the loan cannot be repaid to the guarantee agencies perform compensatory responsibility between the period shall not exceed 3 months ...

    到期 - English translation - Linguee

    instrument, time to expiry, yield cu rves, [...] volatility of the underlying. [...] instrument and counterparty risk. glencore.com. glencore.com. Many translated example sentences containing "到期" - English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

    贷款到期 - Translation into English - examples Chinese | Reverso Context

    Translations in context of "贷款到期" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 贷款到期不能归还至担保机构履行代偿责任之间的期限,最长不得超过3个月。 Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation

    到期日 - English translation - Linguee

    present, as w ell as the date and time o f release or transfer to another detention. [...] facility. daccess-ods.un.org. daccess-ods.un.org. Many translated example sentences containing "到期日" - English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

    DUE DATE中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    due date翻譯:預產期, (帳單等的)到期日;(某事)必須完成的日期。了解更多。

    loan maturity date - 英中 - Linguee词典

    commencing from the date of d rawdown : The Company shall repay: (a) the interest on a quarterly basis in arrears; and (b) the principal amount of the loan in f ul l at maturity. cre8ir.com. cre8ir.com. 期限 : 由提 款當日起計三年 : 本公司須償還: (a)每季累計的利息;及 ( b)於 到 期 時 悉數償還 貸款的 ...

    贷款到期的-翻译为英语-例句中文| Reverso Context


    到期貸款英文_到期貸款英文怎麼說 - 查查綫上翻譯

    Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended 商業銀行依法向借款人收回到期貸款的本金和利息,受法律保護。; Funds for inter - bank lending should be restricted to those idle funds after fully paying the deposit reserve funds , standing funds and the due loans to the people ' s bank of china

    到期 | 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    到期 - 中文(繁體)-英語字典翻譯-劍橋字典

    抵押貸款重要術語 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

    當借款人重新貸款或出售房屋,或抵押貸款以其他方式終止時,延期還款金額即到期。 貸款估算 (Loan estimate) 貸款估算是您在申請抵押貸款後收到的一份三頁表格。 更多資料見 (英文) 貸款修改 (Loan modification) 抵押貸款修改是對您的貸款條款的更改。

    「貸款期限」英文翻譯及相關英語詞組 - 澳典漢英詞典

    貸款期限. 1. life of loan. 「信貸期限」的英文. 1. period of credit. 「還貸期限」的英文. 1. repayment period. 「貸款限額」的英文. 1. line of credit. 「逾期貸款」的英文.


    贷款期限用英文怎么说?1 Is the down-payment loan terminable?2 What impact does the down-payment loan service have on real estate market? ... 2006-07-02 贷款期限不得超过到期日英语怎么说? 2017-03-19 贷款用英语怎么说 2 2008-03-25 银行贷款用英语怎么说 8

    貸款期限英文_貸款期限英文怎麼說 - 查查綫上翻譯

    貸款期限的英文翻譯,貸款期限英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯貸款期限,貸款期限的英文單字,贷款期限的英文,贷款期限 meaning in English,貸款期限怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

    存錢不是Save money喔!提款、換匯等國外銀行常用英文|巨匠美語

    TOEFL托福. 存錢不是Save money喔!. 提款、換匯等國外銀行常用英文. 2023/04/07. 雖然現在已不是現金當道的消費時代,但不管你想將手邊的財產轉換成什麼形式的消費模式:電子錢包、簽帳卡、現金卡、支票等等,都還是得往最初也是最終的大本營---銀行,才能辦 ...

    到期英文_到期英文怎麼說 - 查查綫上翻譯

    become due; mature; expire; at maturity; due (of an obligation) 短語和例子. "到期,到期日" 英文翻譯 : maturity. "不到期" 英文翻譯 : prematurity. "到期的" 英文翻譯 : be due; cost-effective; due. "到期后" 英文翻譯 : dd days after datee; d/d days after date. "到期前" 英文翻譯 : prior to the date due.

    1分鐘學財務報表 : 短期負債(short-term liability) 與 長期負債(long-term liability) 的差別 ...

    短期負債(流動負債) 是什麼意思? 短期負債(流動負債)定義:一年內要償還 (本金) 的債務短期負債(英文:Short-Term Debt 或Short-Term liability ),也稱為流動負債(Current liabilities),代表到期日一年內要償還的債務,包含短期欠上游供應商的應付帳款、利息、商業本票、快到期的長期負債…等,可以把它 ...

    還款英文 - 每天學英文單字

    還款英文例句. Please make your repayment by the due date. 請在到期日前完成還款。. The bank allows flexible repayment options for loans. 銀行允許貸款靈活的還款方式。. You can set up automatic repayments for convenience. 你可以設定自動還款以方便操作。. The monthly repayment amount is fixed for the ...

    分期付款 - English translation - Linguee

    指商業票據、供應商信貸、 以 分期付款 條 件 向香港政 府購買批租土地應付的款項、貸款、銀行透支、融資 租賃及為固定資產籌措資金而安排的其他借款。. means commercial paper, suppliers' credits, amount s payable o n leasehold land purchased on instalment terms from the Government ...

    到期的英文單字,到期的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典 - 漢語網

    【到期】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:at term到期;expire期滿; 文件、協議等(因到期而)失效; 斷氣; 逝世;become due到期,滿期;at maturity到期;mature(人、樹木、鳥或動物)成熟的; 仔細考慮過的; 到期(應該支付)的; 成年人的;。漢英詞典提供【到期】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

    债券到期日-翻译为英语-例句中文| Reverso Context

    在英语中翻译"债券到期日". 开发公司在债券到期日(见下文第18段)把大楼和土地的所有权免费转让给联合国。. At the end of the bond period (see para. 18 below), the ownership of the building and the land would be transferred, without any cost, to the United Nations. 一是它们是否能够在债券到期 ...

    PDF 截至 2024 年3月31 日止年度之 全年業績

    十二個月到期償還,其中港幣 213,900,000 元之借貸隨後已延長至 2025 年3月31 日。本集團正積極尋求新的融資及貸款融資來源,並將不斷密切監察其流動 資金及營運資金需求,確保在有需要時作出適當融資安排。

    定期存款到期-翻译为英语-例句中文| Reverso Context

    在英语中翻译"定期存款到期". 定期存款. term deposits fixed deposit time deposit term deposit non - liquid form of deposit. 到期. due expire expiration expiry maturity. Time Deposit Maturity. time deposits mature. 第 8- 1 条 定期存款到期前不得提取。. Article 8- 1 Time Deposits shall not be withdrawn before maturity,