111成本管理與會計-會計師考試最新詳解 - YouTube

    2024-07-29 13:43

    #志聖會計師 #線上學會計來志聖 #國考會計師00:00 111會計師考題分析02:45 申論題-1 分佈成本制題目20:06 申論題-2 分批成本制題目41:58 申論題-3 目標 ...


    PDF 成本與管理會計題庫

    成本與管理會計題庫 章節 題號 題 目 答案 Ch1 1 Managers use management accounting information to: A) help external users such as investors, banks, regulators, and suppliers B) communicate, develop, and implement strategies C) communicate a firm's financial position to investors, banks, regulators, and other outside parties