有關second tier 一問? - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    2024-07-29 13:57

    second tier點定,我都答你唔到,打工既話有大食大 其實做big 4/second tier/ local firm邊個好啲,真係答你唔到,我有同學係想開firm,接job 嗰啲,佢一直都係做local firm 做咩真係好視乎你想要咩,同埋係咪想做有得揀嗰個

    second tier會計

    2nd Tier Accounting Firms List | The Big 4 Accounting Firms

    Nexia is the last accounting firm on our listing of second tier accounting firms with $3.1 billion in revenue. The number of employees working at Nexia International was 24,781. Nexia has 2,594 partners working around the world. Nexia earns 50% of their revenue in North America, 43% in Europe, Middle East, & Africa, 6% in Asia Pacific and 1% in ...


    香港審計公司有哪些類型? 跟環球市場無異,香港的稅務、會計及審計公司有以下三種: 第一種:人稱「四大」(Big Four)國際會計師事務所 — 德勤、羅兵咸永道、安永和畢馬威。第二種:「第二層級」會計公司 Second Tier Accounting Firm),通常是由多個跨國事務所通過併購而組成的大型平台。這些 ...

    Second tier Vs Local - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    Second tier Vs Local. 現職: Local audit firm 人工 多4K. 都系做SME. 新工: Second tier audit firm 人工 少4K (做senior) . 有機會做listed company 同Licence corp, 出Full GAAP. 本人仲差Capstone 未pass.

    【前路與錢途】會計、審計有何分別?了解起薪點、考牌、晉升及轉型等5大行情 - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    究竟會計和審計工作的最新行情是怎樣? ... 最多人選擇的是先入行做審計,受訪者Vivienne就在香港的第二線(Second Tier)會計師事務所工作了四年:「通常畢業後都會先入會計師行(Audit Firm)做審計助理,一邊做一邊考牌。 ...

    考獲會計師執業資格人工翻倍!審計vs稅務待遇晉升有咩分別? - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    新鮮人在會計行業打滾,如赤腳行炭路,受盡無限OT和考試壓力煎熬,萬一考試肥佬更跌入重考煉獄。但只要成功「打大佬」考獲會計師執業資格,就有望苦盡甘來,迎來月薪倍升的「錢途」。究竟「打大佬」有幾難?打完大佬就一勞永逸等做「老細」(會計師樓合夥人)?審計、稅務專業的待遇有 ...

    求second tier accounting firm list - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    second tier accounting firm list. #1. 發表於 2013-2-22 18:11. 只看該作者. 大 中 小. 繁 簡. 岩岩fresh grad, 雖然明知無乜希望, 但係試左apply big4, reject晒. 想知香港有邊間second tier accounting firm. Thanks!!!!

    有冇人分享下second tier 人工 | LIHKG 討論區

    我明你意思, 不過ZHONGHUI & ELITE近年真係爆得好快, ZHONGHUI已經有超過70間listed co客, 你要知2nd tier中比佢多嘅只有BDO & HLB, ELITE都有超過50間多過果堆"統傳"嘅2nd tier好似GT, RSM, BT 當然, 論客質素, listed client averge audit fee呢兩間就一定好差. 23歲 (破產)2020-06-03 12:12:02. 唔100 ...


    而第二線會計師行 (Second Tier) 的薪酬約比Big 4少兩成。 會計行業工種. 會計師與核數師的職責一般按職位而有所不同,部分職位除了要擁有相關牌照,更需要其他技能要求。大家在考慮入行前,不妨先簡單了解以下九種職位的主要職責: 1. 簿記/會計助理/會計 ...

    有關second tier 一問?(頁 1) - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 (純文字版本)

    查看完整版本: 有關second tier 一問? 香港討論區 香港討論區(香討)為全港5大最高瀏覽率的網站之一,主要討論涵蓋新聞時事、娛樂、飲食、潮流、各行各業、地產、財經、股票、汽車、戀愛婚姻、電腦手機、運動體育、興趣、好去處、著數優惠等話題,隨時 ...

    會計新手需知(三):選 Auditing 還是 Accounting?

    會計業界主要分兩個範疇,一個是核數(Auditing),另一個是會計(會計)。新手經常都有一個誤解,以為初入行必需進入會計師行工作才是唯一的出路,認為核數工作的學習機會比會計工作較多。其實不論是核數或是會計,學習機會均是相同,分別在於所學到的知識不同而已。至於要如何選擇,那 ...

    香港 TOP10 Auditors 會計師事務所 - StealJobs.com 優越工作情報網

    香港 TOP10 Auditors 會計師事務所. By SJ on July 28, 2015. 根據韋伯數據,SJ 整理出香港十大Auditors (核數師公司)的排名。. 排名根據該公司為本港上市公司作顧問數目而排。. 1. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (HK) 德勤. 370 間. 2. PricewaterhouseCoopers (HK) 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所.

    Saudi Arabia to privatise all top-tier football clubs

    Saudi clubs, led by the four owned by PIF, spent $957 million in last year's summer transfer window, second only to the English ...

    【會計撚圍爐】BIG4 / 2nd-tier / IRD / 審計署 / In-house account 吹水區(8)

    大家知唔知出面commercial accountant 位咩景況 睇jobs db 見到 好多公司都成日repeat 出post。. 好似好伏. 做人要開心2021-06-21 12:49:34. 如果只係做左一年 Audit FS 有咩工可以轉. .逃離人類荒謬2021-06-21 13:02:36. Tax工時其實都唔短嘅…. 入咗嚟就走唔到. 點解唔同我講2021-06-21 13: ...

    HSC Chattogram Board -2023 English 2nd Paper Question with Answer

    Chattogram Board-2023Sub Code 1 0 8Time : 3 hoursEnglish (Compulsory) 2nd PaperTotal Marks : 100 [According to the Syllabus of 2023][N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]1.Complete the text with suitable prepositions. .5x10=5Corruption is a curse (a) ~~ a nation. It is a great hindrance (b) ~~ development. (c) ~~ corrupt people, a nation will surely sink (d) ~~ oblivion ...

    Second tier 邊間好? - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1

    發短消息加為好友. [審計]Second tier 邊間好?. #1. 發表於 2023-8-22 17:08. 只看該作者. 大中小. 繁簡. Experience hire 做個幾年local .

    Rare team batting record for Sri Lanka in Chattogram

    Sri Lanka put on 531 on board in Chattogram in the second Test against Bangladesh without a single centurion in the innings. Sri Lanka's batters put together a rare team record against Bangladesh in the second Test in Chattogram. This series is a part of the ICC World Test Championship. In the first innings, Sri Lanka scored 531, yet none of ...

    SSC English 2nd Paper Question 2017 Chattogram Board - Teaching BD

    SSC English 2nd Paper Question 2017 Chattogram Board. It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. It is widely learned as a second language and is an official language of the European Union, many Commonwealth countries and the United Nations, as well as in many world organizations.

    【會計撚圍爐】BIG4 / 2nd-tier / IRD / 審計署 / In-house account 吹水區(8)

    你覺得big 4 audit跳去second tier audit firm做M&A advisory,再搏跳big 4 M&A/sponsor明唔明智, 但second tier人工好低. Imdrubk2021-01-20 16:02:02. 唔知,但係有個sen man referral. DLLM邊個踢我2021-01-20 16:02:57. 百份之一機會2021-01-20 16:03:49. 低過依家幾多?. 其實local sponsor 出手都好低 我都有 ...

    某second tier - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1

    問下second tier audit firm難唔難入 香港RSM同國際firm脫勾,不再是2nd tier GBA second in後幾耐會有call 會計今年幫我用薪俸稅報無限公司稅,預計一蚊都唔使交 事求人. 阮經天同明道真係好似樣!. 分唔分到?. 真係有手有腳就請-.-". 香港討論區.

    PSG Women close to appointing Abriel as new head coach

    Paris Saint-Germain are close to appointing Fabrice Abriel as the new head coach of their women's team. Abriel left fellow Division 1 Feminine side FC Fleury 91 at the end of last season having ...

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    Second tier 想轉 big4 - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    至於job exposure,喺2nd tier做亦不會太差,至少基本功扎實,唔會似local firm嗰種齋做vouching。. 跟你做緊邊間2nd tier冇關係,Big 4缺人時就會請人。. 反而最緊要係盡快考完CPA,Big 4唔想畀free study leave and training畀mid join,慳成本之餘,你亦可以早啲攞Q pay,大家happy ...