Freehunter | 香港最大的Freelance平台

    2024-07-11 08:58



    【會計 freelance收費】有限公司核數、簿記和稅項申報服務收費

    香港Freelance核數師收費. 核數收費通常取決於您企業的年收入。. 您的收入越高,審計成本就越高。. 審計費用通常介乎每年港幣 3,000 至 30,000 元。. BINERY 可以為您聯繫獨立核數師,該核數師提供全面的審計服務,年度審計起價為 5,000 港元。. 在法律上,BINERY 將 ...

    會計服務 | 會計入帳/入數/記帳/Bookkeeping收費 - 信領企業策劃

    由於他們不熟悉審計程序,這就是為什麼會計freelance收費或bookkeeping收費較低的原因。 信領提供的會計入帳收費跟會計freelance收費或bookkeeping收費相近,但信領成員是以審計角度進行有限公司記帳。那用審計思維為有限公司記帳有什麼好處?

    精選100+香港會計師 | 免費獲取報價 | Freehunter - 香港最大Freelance平台

    聘請會計Freelance固然除了可以省下培訓會計師的時間,節省更多成本,但同時t你亦需要清晰說明工作需求,讓Freelancer更好地完成任務。. 你只需在Freehunter上「發佈工作」,填寫Freelancer需要知道的資訊,我們便能為你找到不同會計師的報價,你更能直接瀏覽他們 ...

    香港100+精選為您提供會計及核數服務 | 免費獲取報價 | Freehunter - 香港最大Freelance平台

    與 會計管理 類近的Freelance專長,技能及服務. 會計及核數 稅務咨詢 成本管理 財務報表編制 金融風險評估. 免費發佈會計及核數Freelance工作,找到2000+專業Freelance會計師,最快3分鐘內獲得報價!. Freehunter - 全港領先Freelance平台,為客戶提供超過30,000+人選!.

    Accounting and Bookkeeping For Freelancers Explained

    Embarking on a freelance journey can be liberating, yet navigating the world of accounting and bookkeeping might seem daunting. Fear not, as this comprehensive guide will equip you with the essential knowledge and tools to streamline your financial processes and propel your freelance career to new heights. Unveiling the Fundamentals of Freelance Accounting As a


    關於freelance會計入數 - 有395個推薦專家供您選擇,freelance會計入數相關服務有會計課程、會計報稅、各國語言編輯翻譯。免費取得多位專家報價,立刻線上預約服務。生活大小事就讓PRO360為您解決吧!更多推薦服務:康文署健身室、補習、雅思。

    【會計公司收費】會計和入帳價錢攻略 2024 | Toby


    會計入數服務及其它相關 (以Freelance 形式) | Jack | HKESE

    交付格式: Excel. 交付成品: 資產負債表, 利潤表, 總帳. 工作電郵:[email protected]. I will use excel to record the monthly transactions. It is monthly charges and the charges will base on the monthly number of transactions. Monthly number of transactions: 10 or below: HK$400 per month. 11 - 20: HK$450 per month.


    關於會計freelance - 有335個推薦專家供您選擇,會計freelance相關服務有會計課程、會計報稅、各國語言編輯翻譯。免費取得多位專家報價,立刻線上預約服務。生活大小事就讓PRO360為您解決吧!更多推薦服務:會計freelance收費。

    Freelance會計報稅 - Freelance Accounting & Bookkeeping


    會計服務低至HK$3000每年(不包報稅服務) - AccGirl

    會計妹為幫助決志成就一番事業的香港小企業及創業者,特別推出小企業會計服務優惠。. 會計服務每年費用低至HK$3000,為香港小企業及創業者提供專業會計服務。. 小企會計服務優惠只限:. - 營業額HK$1,000,000以下. - 每年100條交易項目以下. - 香港非特殊行業 ...

    Freelance Accounting 自由會計

    Freelance Accounting 自由會計. We have over twenty years' accounting experience and have dealt with a wide range of customers. They are mainly entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies. We provide a one-stop service for professional accounting and auditing services. Customers can focus on the operations of the company without ...

    Freelance 會計軟件全攻略 - 7個免費/收費的線上會計軟件 | Freelance Daily - 香港Freelance日報

    這篇「Freelance 會計軟件全攻略 - 7個免費/收費的線上會計軟件」的目的就是為你提供一個全面的指南,幫助你在眾多會計軟件中作出明智的選擇。. 在本篇文章中,我們將介紹七款免費和收費的線上會計軟件,分析它們的優缺點,以便你能夠選擇最適合你的會計 ...

    Freelance Accounting 自由會計

    Freelance Accounting 自由會計. 我們擁有廿多年豐富的會計經驗,曾處理之客戶層面廣泛,主要提供專業的會計及核數服務的一條龍服務,客戶可以專注公司營運,無須擔心會計上的事務。. 我們的客戶,主要是創業人士及從事各行各業的中小型企業公司。.

    Accounting 101: For Freelancers and Self-Employed - Everything Freelance

    As a freelancer, you are in charge of that obligation. Indeed, running your own business does not require you to have an accounting degree; however, you will be an accountant for self-employed individuals. However, having a basic understanding of accounting may help you communicate with your bookkeeper, keep track of your finances, and maintain ...


    會計理賬. 會計理賬. 根據法例規定,在香港經營業務,不論是有限公司或無限公司,都必須就其收入開支,均須保存適當記錄。. 要保存良好的紀錄有賴妥善的簿記方式。. 有效的簿記方式於長遠來說可節省你的時間和金錢。. 我們提供會計理賬服務,以確保客戶 ...

    Freelancer Taxes: Ultimate Guide for Tax Filling & Smart Savings

    Follow these steps to calculate your expected taxes: Step 1: Gather your information, including your anticipated adjusted gross income (AGI), taxes, credits, deductions, taxable income for the year, and your annual income tax for the previous year. Step 2: Calculate your SE tax. The 2024 SE tax for 2024 3 IRS.

    自僱人士報稅交稅攻略|Freelancer、Slashie (斜槓族)扣稅慳稅必睇

    報稅高峰期又到,疫情下經濟低迷,若仍要交重稅,確實是百上加斤,尤其Freelancer、Slashie等自僱人士,報稅時要留意以下要點,隨時可節省不少稅款。. 5月過後,又到報稅高峰期,在現今經濟低迷的環境之中,若仍然要交重稅的話,確實令人百上加斤,所以 ...

    會計 / 核數工作 | Part Time Jobs - 兼職網

    搜尋找到104份會計 / 核數工作。正在招聘會計 / 核數的公司包括有Yamato Logistics (HK) Ltd.,ARAL Holdings Limited,Golden Key Personnel Consultancy Limited,Settle Up Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited,Manpower Services (Hong Kong),Ex-R Consulting Limited,智樂兒童遊樂協會,六福集團有限公司,CLG Business Advisory Limited,KEK Consultancy Company ...

    Freelancer 如何交稅?自僱人士報稅全攻略 | 文章 - 滙豐機滙

    只要所屬派 Job、聘用之公司有支付薪酬,Freelancer 都需要申報及繳交薪俸稅。. 理論上,有關公司報稅時更需要填妥「支付酬金給僱員以外人士的通知書」(IR56M表格),且為每位 Freelancer 提供副本參考以便報稅。. 請注意:如果大家屬於自僱人士,提供專業服務 ...


    我們會為客戶安排經驗豐富的會計師,提供審計服務,為客戶的財務報表進行核數。. 根據香港稅務條例,香港稅務局每年都會向個別人士,獨資公司,合資公司,物業持有人及有限公司發出報稅表,有關人士必須於限期前填妥報稅表並交回稅務局。. 我們的收費 ...

    CNN freelance journalist boasted Hamas ties - The Jerusalem Post

    Gaza-based CNN freelance journalist worked with, supported Hamas, watchdog report finds Between selfies with senior Hamas officials and constant sharing of Hamas terrorist propaganda, Abdel Qader ...

    5 Freelance Jobs To Make Over $1 Million In 2024 - Forbes

    The analysis revealed that "between 2020 and 2021, the number of non-employer businesses with revenues of at least $1,000,000 skyrocketed from just under 47,000 to nearly 58,000.

    Freelancers sue over new rules on independent contractors

    A separate lawsuit filed in January by four freelance writers and editors in Georgia — all cofounders of the grassroots group Fight for Freelancers USA — makes similar contentions, arguing that the new rule "obscures the line between contractor and employee in an impenetrable fog" and is so deliberately vague, it allows the government ...

    5 Problems With The Supreme Court's Chevron Decision - Forbes

    The Supreme Court decision on Loper Bright Enterprises et al. v. Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, et al. — more popularly known as the reversal of the Chevron doctrine — is a disaster of scope ...



    Microsoft Uncovers Major Flaws in Rockwell PanelView Plus

    Microsoft's cybersecurity team has uncovered two significant vulnerabilities in Rockwell Automation's PanelView Plus, a type of human-machine interface (HMI) widely used in industrial settings. These vulnerabilities, identified as CVE-2023-2071 and CVE-2023-29464, can be exploited remotely by ...

    Upwork vs. Fiverr: Which is better to find freelance work?

    Both sites also allow freelance workers to set up a profile for free. These profiles provide a snapshot of who you are; your professional experience; and samples of (or links to) your work. They ...