誰將主導lpwan的未來? - 電子工程專輯

    2024-07-11 12:11

    不過這不是真正的破產,而是公司試圖重組時對債權人的保護。 不過,SigFox提供的資料確實很難看。 儘管他們已經籌措了3億美元(雖然不是小數目,但相對於其雄心壯志,可以說還遠遠不夠),但收入僅2,400萬歐元,淨虧損卻9,100萬歐元,債務高達1.18億歐元。

    誰將主導lpwan的未來? - 電子工程專輯

    Sigfox, the French IoT startup that had raised more than $300M, files ...

    Sigfox had raised more than $300 million from a group of high-profile investors that included Salesforce, Intel, Samsung, NTT, SK Telecom, energy groups Total and Air Liquide, and many others.

    IoT startup Sigfox files for insolvency - DCD

    French Internet of Things startup Sigfox has filed for insolvency. First reported by Techcrunch & French Tech Journal, the company has filed for protection in France, citing slow sales of its products and challenging conditions in the IoT industry due to Covid-19. "The Commercial Court of Toulouse opened today at the request of the CEO, a ...

    Bankruptcy and $150m of debt - Sigfox's American dream dies (as French ...

    Sigfox USA has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in a Delaware bankruptcy court, owing almost $150 million in unsecured debt. The filing, on March 31, is separate from its parent's receivership and sale in France, which is set to conclude tomorrow (April 5). At the same time, the demise of Sigfox Inc follows directly from Sigfox SA's decision ...

    The inside story on why UnaBiz bought Sigfox and what it did next

    Sigfox was burning through up to $80 million a year, says Bong, and it had reported annual revenues of just €60 million ($65 million) back in February 2019, a year before COVID struck. Of its ...

    法國物聯網新創Sigfox確定易主!由Sigfox位於新加坡及臺灣代理商UnaBiz取得經營權 | iThome

    法國物聯網新創Sigfox確定易主!. 由Sigfox位於新加坡及臺灣代理商UnaBiz取得經營權. 法國法院歷經3個多月競標,專家審查及多方綜合評估後,最後從9家參與競標的業者中,宣布由 新加坡及臺灣 Sigfox 代理商 UnaBiz脫穎而出,取得Sigfox公司經營權。. 文/ 余至浩 | 2022 ...

    Singapore's UnaBiz buys up bankrupt IoT company Sigfox

    It is the Sigfox operator for Singapore and Taiwan. UnaBiz said that, over the next few weeks, the administrators, Sigfox management and the employee representatives will work alongside it to ensure a smooth transition of ownership to Sigfox's existing commercial activities. It said it would save 110 out of 174 jobs in Sigfox.

    Inside Sigfox's Implosion - The French Tech Journal

    Inside Sigfox's Implosion. Between the pandemic and a disappointing IoT revolution, Sigfox faced a major financial crunch in 2021 when auditors warned it must raise more money to survive. On Wednesday, the former unicorn filed for bankruptcy protection. The announcement that Sigfox, the former unicorn and one-time poster child for La French ...


    从2017年10亿美元的估值,到2022年2500万欧元被出售,过去5年时间里Sigfox一路下滑,而这5年也是全球低功耗广域物联网发展的重要时间段, 经过激烈 ...

    Why did Sigfox file for Bankruptcy protection? - Blog - MEF

    The French IoT start-up Sigfox filed for bankruptcy earlier this year after failing to raise new capital. MEF IoT Project Director Nassia Skoulikariti examines how the situation arose and what the future looks like for the company and the wider ecosystem. Sigfox had initially raised over $330 million in venture funding from investors including Salesforce, Intel, Samsung, NTT, SK Telecom, and ...

    'Sigfox will be saved on the brink of bankruptcy' - Techzine Europe

    Sigfox, an IoT network operator, appears to have found a buyer. The acquisition may save the organization from bankruptcy. Sigfox operates an IoT network in more than 72 countries. In 2021, the organization found itself in dire straits. Debt has been piling up. Sigfox went into receivership in January.

    从10亿美元估值到2500万欧元破产出售!全球物联网明星企业Sigfox故事迎来落幕 - OFweek物联网

    不过,这一年也是Sigfox的转折点,在高达10亿美元的估值下,其融资非常困难,企业经营也出现困境,此后就一直走下坡路,直至今年1月申请破产保护。. 从2017年10亿美元的估值,到2022年2500万欧元被出售,过去5年时间里Sigfox一路下滑,而这5年也是全球低功耗 ...

    Sigfox files for bankruptcy protection to survive the pandemic

    Sigfox, one of the leaders in wireless communication for industrial IoT, has filed for bankruptcy protection in a French court. The Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) company, which operates in 75 countries and territories through a network of partner operators, says that the low adoption rate of its technology during the pandemic and the ...

    Sigfox seeks bankruptcy protection - Global Venturing

    Sigfox, the France-headquartered internet-of-things (IoT) technology provider which has raised over $300m from an investor base including some 10 corporates, has filed for bankruptcy protection, TechCrunch reported yesterday. Founded in 2010, Sigfox is the creator of an end-to-end connectivity system for IoT devices, enabling them to ...

    IoT雙周報第108期:臺灣兩大IoT通訊供應商之一的Sigfox傳因疫情經營不彰擬出售 | iThome

    去年一份Sigfox報告則指出,現今採用Sigfox通訊網路的全球IoT裝置數量高達1,950萬個,每天要處理7,600萬條IoT訊息發送。. Sigfox過去也獲得許多電信、科技及IT大廠投資,將近3 億歐元,包括英特爾、三星、NTT、SK Telecom、Salesforce等,但仍抵擋不住這波疫情的衝擊 ...

    Sigfox - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    Sigfox是法國的網絡公司,在2010年成立 ,利用無線網絡連接低功率設備(例如電度錶及智能手錶),這些設備需要持續性的連線,會送出小量資料。. Sigfox總部在法國圖盧茲附近的拉貝格,有375名員工。 Sigfox在馬德里、三藩市、悉尼和巴黎也有辦公室 。. 技術 [編輯]. Sigfox使用差動二位元相位偏移調 ...

    UnaBiz appointed as new owner of Sigfox - Sigfox 0G Technology

    Labège, April 21 st, 2022 - The Commercial Court of Toulouse announced today the appointment of UnaBiz, massive IoT service provider and Sigfox Operator for Singapore and Taiwan, as the new owner of Sigfox. The results of the receivership proceeding for Sigfox and its subsidiary Sigfox France SAS were unanimous, with UnaBiz endorsed as the best offer among nine initial bidders by the Jury ...


    2017年,Sigfox迎来了最高光时刻,这一年Sigfox宣布其估值达到了10亿美元,跻身全球独角兽行列,而且启动了IPO计划,准备在2018年上市。 不过,这一年也是Sigfox的转折点,在高达10亿美元的估值下,Sigfox融资变得非常困难,仅获得马来西亚主权基金的投资,而投资 ...

    Sigfox社の事業売却先決定について|KCCS Sigfox関連ニュース(2022年)|IoTネットワーク「Sigfox」|KCCS

    Sigfox社の事業売却先決定について 2022.04.22 フランス商事裁判所は、2022年4月21日にSigfox SA及びSigfox SAS(フランスのSigfoxオペレーター) の引受先としてUnaBiz*を指名しました。

    IoT通信のSigfoxが経営難で再建手続き KCCSは日本での運営継続 | 日経クロステック(xTECH)

    LPWA(Low Power Wide Area)の老舗規格「Sigfox」を開発した仏スタートアップのSigfox(以下、Sigfox社)が、経営難でフランスの裁判所によって管財人の管理下にあることが分かった。仏日刊紙Le Figaro(フィガロ)が2022年1月26日(現地時間)に報じた。日本でSigfoxネットワークを提供する京セラ ...



    IoTスタートアップのSigfoxが破産申請 | Data Center Café

    フランスのIoTスタートアップ、Sigfoxが破産を申請しました。 Techcrunch と French Tech Journalが最初に報じたところによると、同社は製品の売れ行きが鈍いことと、Covid-19によるIoT業界の厳しい状況を理由に、フランスで破産保護を申請したとのことです。

    被頒令破產 公司清盤 潘蘇通上訴遭駁回 - 東方日報

    近年屢傳財困、前高銀金融主席潘蘇通,2022年因其全資持有的Silver Starlight Limited(下稱「公司」)未有清還80億元貸款,被高院原訟庭頒令破產,公司亦遭下令清盤。早前潘就破產令及清盤令,及原訟庭拒絕他要求押後審理破產案的決定申請上訴。上訴庭昨日頒判詞,認為原審法官沒有犯錯,一併 ...

    Fisker 禍不單行破產又發現瑕疵,召回逾 1.2 萬輛 | TechNews 科技新報

    曾號稱「特斯拉殺手」的新創電動車廠 Fisker 日前正式聲請破產,然而禍不單行,6 月 28 日,Fisker 又宣布召回北美及歐洲超過 12,000 輛電動車,為本月以來第三次發起召回。 路透社等外媒報導,Fisker 6月28日發布召回公告,主動召回美國、加拿大及歐洲共12,523輛Fiske...

    剛破產又出現瑕疵 Fisker將召回美歐1.2萬輛電動車 - 自由財經

    美國電動車新創公司Fisker因長年飽受虧損於6月17日申請破產保護。(歐新社) 吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾被譽為「汽車界的蘋果」、「特斯拉殺手」的美國電動車新創Fisker,近年飽受虧損及現金短缺所苦,於6月17日正式申請破產,沒想到禍不單行,近日又因汽車零件故障,宣布在 ...



    Sigfox, the French IoT startup that had raised more than $300M, files ...

    Sigfox had raised more than $300 million from a group of high-profile investors that included Salesforce, Intel, Samsung, NTT, SK Telecom, energy groups Total and Air Liquide, and many others.

    IoT startup Sigfox files for insolvency - DCD

    French Internet of Things startup Sigfox has filed for insolvency. First reported by Techcrunch & French Tech Journal, the company has filed for protection in France, citing slow sales of its products and challenging conditions in the IoT industry due to Covid-19. "The Commercial Court of Toulouse opened today at the request of the CEO, a ...

    Bankruptcy and $150m of debt - Sigfox's American dream dies (as French ...

    Sigfox USA has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in a Delaware bankruptcy court, owing almost $150 million in unsecured debt. The filing, on March 31, is separate from its parent's receivership and sale in France, which is set to conclude tomorrow (April 5). At the same time, the demise of Sigfox Inc follows directly from Sigfox SA's decision ...

    The inside story on why UnaBiz bought Sigfox and what it did next

    Sigfox was burning through up to $80 million a year, says Bong, and it had reported annual revenues of just €60 million ($65 million) back in February 2019, a year before COVID struck. Of its ...

    法國物聯網新創Sigfox確定易主!由Sigfox位於新加坡及臺灣代理商UnaBiz取得經營權 | iThome

    法國物聯網新創Sigfox確定易主!. 由Sigfox位於新加坡及臺灣代理商UnaBiz取得經營權. 法國法院歷經3個多月競標,專家審查及多方綜合評估後,最後從9家參與競標的業者中,宣布由 新加坡及臺灣 Sigfox 代理商 UnaBiz脫穎而出,取得Sigfox公司經營權。. 文/ 余至浩 | 2022 ...

    Inside Sigfox's Implosion - The French Tech Journal

    Inside Sigfox's Implosion. Between the pandemic and a disappointing IoT revolution, Sigfox faced a major financial crunch in 2021 when auditors warned it must raise more money to survive. On Wednesday, the former unicorn filed for bankruptcy protection. The announcement that Sigfox, the former unicorn and one-time poster child for La French ...

    Singapore's UnaBiz buys up bankrupt IoT company Sigfox

    It is the Sigfox operator for Singapore and Taiwan. UnaBiz said that, over the next few weeks, the administrators, Sigfox management and the employee representatives will work alongside it to ensure a smooth transition of ownership to Sigfox's existing commercial activities. It said it would save 110 out of 174 jobs in Sigfox.

    'Sigfox will be saved on the brink of bankruptcy' - Techzine Europe

    Sigfox, an IoT network operator, appears to have found a buyer. The acquisition may save the organization from bankruptcy. Sigfox operates an IoT network in more than 72 countries. In 2021, the organization found itself in dire straits. Debt has been piling up. Sigfox went into receivership in January.


    从2017年10亿美元的估值,到2022年2500万欧元被出售,过去5年时间里Sigfox一路下滑,而这5年也是全球低功耗广域物联网发展的重要时间段, 经过激烈 ...

    从10亿美元估值到2500万欧元破产出售!全球物联网明星企业Sigfox故事迎来落幕 - OFweek物联网

    不过,这一年也是Sigfox的转折点,在高达10亿美元的估值下,其融资非常困难,企业经营也出现困境,此后就一直走下坡路,直至今年1月申请破产保护。. 从2017年10亿美元的估值,到2022年2500万欧元被出售,过去5年时间里Sigfox一路下滑,而这5年也是全球低功耗 ...

    2500万欧元!破产边缘的Sigfox正式"卖身" - 新浪财经

    Sigfox在一份声明中表示,在图卢兹商业法院的破产程序中,大型物联网服务提供商UnaBiz从总共9个竞标者中脱颖而出。. 来自新闻网站Enterprise IoT ...

    Sigfox files for bankruptcy protection to survive the pandemic

    Sigfox, one of the leaders in wireless communication for industrial IoT, has filed for bankruptcy protection in a French court. The Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) company, which operates in 75 countries and territories through a network of partner operators, says that the low adoption rate of its technology during the pandemic and the ...

    Sigfox seeks bankruptcy protection - Global Venturing

    Sigfox, the France-headquartered internet-of-things (IoT) technology provider which has raised over $300m from an investor base including some 10 corporates, has filed for bankruptcy protection, TechCrunch reported yesterday. Founded in 2010, Sigfox is the creator of an end-to-end connectivity system for IoT devices, enabling them to ...

    Sigfox - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    Sigfox是法國的網絡公司,在2010年成立 ,利用無線網絡連接低功率設備(例如電度錶及智能手錶),這些設備需要持續性的連線,會送出小量資料。. Sigfox總部在法國圖盧茲附近的拉貝格,有375名員工。 Sigfox在馬德里、三藩市、悉尼和巴黎也有辦公室 。. 技術 [編輯]. Sigfox使用差動二位元相位偏移調 ...

    IoT雙周報第108期:臺灣兩大IoT通訊供應商之一的Sigfox傳因疫情經營不彰擬出售 | iThome

    去年一份Sigfox報告則指出,現今採用Sigfox通訊網路的全球IoT裝置數量高達1,950萬個,每天要處理7,600萬條IoT訊息發送。. Sigfox過去也獲得許多電信、科技及IT大廠投資,將近3 億歐元,包括英特爾、三星、NTT、SK Telecom、Salesforce等,但仍抵擋不住這波疫情的衝擊 ...

    UnaBiz appointed as new owner of Sigfox - Sigfox 0G Technology

    Labège, April 21 st, 2022 - The Commercial Court of Toulouse announced today the appointment of UnaBiz, massive IoT service provider and Sigfox Operator for Singapore and Taiwan, as the new owner of Sigfox. The results of the receivership proceeding for Sigfox and its subsidiary Sigfox France SAS were unanimous, with UnaBiz endorsed as the best offer among nine initial bidders by the Jury ...

    Sigfox社の事業売却先決定について|KCCS Sigfox関連ニュース(2022年)|IoTネットワーク「Sigfox」|KCCS

    Sigfox社の事業売却先決定について 2022.04.22 フランス商事裁判所は、2022年4月21日にSigfox SA及びSigfox SAS(フランスのSigfoxオペレーター) の引受先としてUnaBiz*を指名しました。


    2017年,Sigfox迎来了最高光时刻,这一年Sigfox宣布其估值达到了10亿美元,跻身全球独角兽行列,而且启动了IPO计划,准备在2018年上市。 不过,这一年也是Sigfox的转折点,在高达10亿美元的估值下,Sigfox融资变得非常困难,仅获得马来西亚主权基金的投资,而投资 ...

    IoT通信のSigfoxが経営難で再建手続き KCCSは日本での運営継続 | 日経クロステック(xTECH)

    LPWA(Low Power Wide Area)の老舗規格「Sigfox」を開発した仏スタートアップのSigfox(以下、Sigfox社)が、経営難でフランスの裁判所によって管財人の管理下にあることが分かった。仏日刊紙Le Figaro(フィガロ)が2022年1月26日(現地時間)に報じた。日本でSigfoxネットワークを提供する京セラ ...



    IoTスタートアップのSigfoxが破産申請 | Data Center Café

    フランスのIoTスタートアップ、Sigfoxが破産を申請しました。 Techcrunch と French Tech Journalが最初に報じたところによると、同社は製品の売れ行きが鈍いことと、Covid-19によるIoT業界の厳しい状況を理由に、フランスで破産保護を申請したとのことです。

    被頒令破產 公司清盤 潘蘇通上訴遭駁回 - 東方日報

    近年屢傳財困、前高銀金融主席潘蘇通,2022年因其全資持有的Silver Starlight Limited(下稱「公司」)未有清還80億元貸款,被高院原訟庭頒令破產,公司亦遭下令清盤。早前潘就破產令及清盤令,及原訟庭拒絕他要求押後審理破產案的決定申請上訴。上訴庭昨日頒判詞,認為原審法官沒有犯錯,一併 ...

    謝國樑剉咧等!罷免連署逾4萬份 基隆人施政反應曝「公子哥亂花錢」

    公民團體「山海公民拆樑行動」發起罷免基隆市長謝國樑,已經收到破4萬份連署書,遠遠超過第二階段至少需3萬792人連署,不過連署行動仍未停止 ...



    剛破產又出現瑕疵 Fisker將召回美歐1.2萬輛電動車 - 自由財經

    美國電動車新創公司Fisker因長年飽受虧損於6月17日申請破產保護。(歐新社) 吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾被譽為「汽車界的蘋果」、「特斯拉殺手」的美國電動車新創Fisker,近年飽受虧損及現金短缺所苦,於6月17日正式申請破產,沒想到禍不單行,近日又因汽車零件故障,宣布在 ...

    Fisker 禍不單行破產又發現瑕疵,召回逾 1.2 萬輛 | TechNews 科技新報

    曾號稱「特斯拉殺手」的新創電動車廠 Fisker 日前正式聲請破產,然而禍不單行,6 月 28 日,Fisker 又宣布召回北美及歐洲超過 12,000 輛電動車,為本月以來第三次發起召回。 路透社等外媒報導,Fisker 6月28日發布召回公告,主動召回美國、加拿大及歐洲共12,523輛Fiske...