'Project Runway': The Real Reason Zac Posen Abruptly Shut Down His ...

    2024-07-06 18:24

    The fashion world was stunned Friday, November 1, 2019, when prolific designer Zac Posen announced he was shuttering his renowned fashion label. Not only is Zac Posen closing its doors but House ...

    zac posen破產

    "红毯之王"Zac Posen宣告倒闭 小众高级定制品牌的出路在哪里?

    据悉, Zac Posen品牌每隔几个月就会传出股权被卖、被收购、破产等传闻。此前大多数业内人士认为Zac Posen品牌被奢饰品集团"收编"的可能性较大。然而, 之前一直处于出售状态的 Zac Posen 苦于没有找到新的归宿,只能决定停止运营。 近年来,无论是高级定制 ...

    紅毯之王 Zac Posen 為何被迫結束同名品牌? - POPBEE

    Forever 21 傳出破產、百貨公司 Barneys New York 證實關門,2019 年確是時尚界愁雲慘霧的一年。 還有一個令人猝不及防的消息,就是設計師 Zac Posen 日前宣告結束營業(詳文看這裏),同時遣散約 60 位員工,讓不少明星、媒體都驚訝不已。 品牌建立 20 多年來,他都為很多巨星設計過紅地毯戰衣。

    Why Zac Posen Closed His Business - WWD

    Fashion has another major casualty: Zac Posen. The business the designer founded in 2001 shuttered on Friday. "Horrible." "Pretty intense." "Surreal.". Posen thus described the closure ...

    Zac Posen's House of Z Has Closed Its Doors | Vogue

    Zac Posen, the designer who's kept celebrities in mermaid gowns on the red carpet since the early 2000s, has shuttered his namesake label. The House of Z, Posen's company had been in the midst ...

    Zac Posen Closes Down After Failing To Find New Investors

    Zac Posen has just released the devastating news that his epnoymous label has been forced to shut down, after having failed to find new investors or buyers to save the business.. The designer confirmed that both his namesake line, House of Z, as well as his diffusion line, Z Spoke, have been forced to close.Posen told publication WWD that the news was "pretty intense" and "surreal ...

    深度 | "搞定"了大半个好莱坞的Zac Posen为何还是惨遭关闭?

    Zac Posen有良好的名人人脉关系,也有无可置疑的设计能力。但这一切依然不足以支撑品牌的发展,这应该是最值得时尚行业深思的问题。 (#1154420) 就设计师的才华而言,Zac Posen当之无愧,但是设计师不等同于设计师品牌,它从未成为一个定位清晰的设计师品牌。

    Report: Zac Posen Is Shutting Down - The Cut

    Amid all the hubbub of the Barney's liquidation, another fashion brand has announced its closing: Zac Posen.According to WWD, the employees were informed Friday afternoon and the company is immediately ceasing operations. The e-commerce site has already been shuttered. "The board made a difficult decision," Posen told WWD.. "We were in a sale process and we ran out of time."

    Zac Posen Trademark Reportedly Sold to Centric Brands - WWD

    Centric Brands has reportedly acquired the Zac Posen trademark at auction, WWD has learned.. As reported, Posen, 39, who is known for his show-stopping red carpet gowns, revealed he was closing ...

    Zac Posen, a Maestro of the Red Carpet, Has a New Job at Gap

    He starts his new post today, the first high profile hire by CEO Richard Dickson, who arrived at Gap last July after a decade at Mattel. Posen has lately made headlines for his contributions to ...

    Zac Posen is Shutting Down - Fashionista

    Nov 1, 2019. Zac Posen. Photo: Mike Coppola/Getty Images. Zac Posen, the label founded in 2001 by Zachary E. Posen, is shutting down. According to a WWD report released on Friday, employees of the ...

    Zac Posen - Wikipedia

    Zachary E. Posen was born and raised in a Jewish family [2] in New York City, residing in the SoHo neighborhood of lower Manhattan. He is the son of Susan (née Orzack), a corporate lawyer, and Stephen Arnold Posen, an artist. [3] [4] He has family roots in Shklow, Belarus, and Żychlin, Poland. [5] His interest in fashion design started early ...

    Zac Posen Brand and Intellectual Property Sold to Centric Brands - WWD

    The Zac Posen label is synonymous with exceptional craftsmanship and modern American glamour and is a red-carpet favorite among many of the world's most famous celebrities. This acquisition adds ...

    Gap stitches deal to hire designer Zac Posen as creative director

    Posen will work closely with Haio Barbeito, Old Navy's president and CEO, reporting directly to him, the company said. Gap's shares rose nearly 1%, or 16 cents, on Monday to close at $19.97 ...

    Zac Posen从红毯之王到被迫关门,做错了什么? - 雪球

    如今,"可怕","迅速","现实",Zac Posen本人用这三个词语来形容公司倒闭全过程。11月1日, Barneys由于资金匮乏宣布破产,最终以2.714亿美元的价格出售给ABG公司。不久后,Zac Posen董事会决定,"公司决定停止经营业务,并开始有序处置资产"。纽约设计师Zac Posen在Instagram宣布正...

    Zac Posen品牌倒闭一个月后,或已找到公司接盘 - 界面新闻

    Posen的工作日程也排得很满,他一年需要为Zac Posen、低端线品牌ZAC Zac Posen以及他担任创意总监的美国商业时尚品牌Brooks Brothers完成14个系列的设计。 除此之外,Posen还曾于2012年至2018年担任《天桥风云》的评委,并与美国达美航空、纽约是芭蕾舞团以及通用电气 ...

    品牌倒闭一个月后 深受红毯追捧的Zac Posen又重出江湖了

    Zac Posen表示,在如今艰难的零售环境下,他与合作伙伴在力所能及的范围内尝试了所有可能的方法,一直在寻找使品牌继续下去的解决方案,试图寻求出售,但迟迟未能找到合适的投资人,因此董事会做出了关闭公司的艰难决定,将遣散60名员工。

    一个月前刚宣布破产的Zac Posen被买,重回正轨还是闹剧一场?

    年少成名的 Zac Posen似乎并未来得及修好这一课。fashionspot曾经爆料,由于Zac Posen的"小公举"个性甚至盖过了他的才华,媒体和名人逐渐减少了对Zac Posen的支持,着急的Zac Posen经常会打电话给编辑,追问为什么版面上没有他的衣服,抱怨自己的衣服位置不好等等。

    Zac Posen's Former CFO Sues Shuttered Fashion House Over ... - Yahoo

    The former Zac Posen exec said that he was owed a total of $167,177.51 in outstanding expenses. He added that the firm has not paid his wages since Aug. 30 — more than two months before its ...

    OMG | Zac Posen宣告破產 還記得那條發光的仙女裙嗎? - 每日頭條

    被譽為「紅毯之王」的 Zac Posen,於11月1號突然宣佈其同名品牌倒閉的消息,已經發佈Lookbook的2020春夏系列將不會生產。據消息稱,Zac Posen 之前一直處於出售狀態,但苦於沒有找到新的歸宿,只能決定停止運營這個創立於 2001 年的高級定製品牌。

    Zac Posen從紅毯之王到被迫關門,做錯了什麼? - 每日頭條

    如今,「可怕」,「迅速」,「現實」,Zac Posen本人用這三個詞語來形容公司倒閉全過程。11月1日, Barneys由於資金匱乏宣布破產,最終以2.714億美元的價格出售給ABG公司。不久後,Zac Posen董事會決定,「公司決定停止經營業務,並開始有序處置資產」。

    Zac Posen is betting on celebrity at Gap. Can it work?

    Zac Posen dressed Anne Hathaway in a custom look last week at a Bulgari event in Rome. Nothing unusual about that, except, Hathaway's look was not one of Posen 's signature couture-esque evening fabrications, but a white cotton shirtdress from Gap. Which makes sense, seeing as earlier this year, Posen took up a new gig at the American retailer.

    一个月前刚宣布破产的Zac Posen被买,重回正轨还是闹剧

    Zac Posen 于2001年快速崛起,每位女星都想穿上他所设计的服装走上红毯,成为时尚界的"It Guy" 的Zac Posen ,生长于纽约的犹太家庭,高二时便进入 ...