in-house legal 黎講ibank 好唔好做 | LIHKG 討論區

    2024-07-11 07:35

    我講緊有錢佬 之前in 過一份 直接對老闆 個老闆過百億身家 之後就覺得搵六位數覺得自己好威?. 就算ibank fo 又如何 喺百億身家既人面前真係nothing 之後覺得自己開心算 反正多極都唔夠人多 (而果個老闆又比緊自己點都唔夠李嘉誠多) 第 1 頁 第 2 頁. 吹水台 自選 ...

    in house 律師 lihkg

    有錢就做到律師 | Lihkg 討論區

    有錢就做到律師. 回覆. 490 Like 152 Dislike. 連登會員一個 2020-10-05 12:19:59. 可否透露下inhouse人工個range, 喺咪真係少過一般 (local) law firm. G觸者頻亦樂 2020-10-05 12:23:54. 睇返你in house 個industry 啫. 我general litigation 底,以前做property & casualty claims都唔差. 連登會員一個 2020 ...

    有冇人知律師樓文職有咩前景? | Lihkg 討論區

    如果你唔喺aim做律師,而靜係想搵份文職嘅話,我勸你唔好做paralegal。 !g66 2020-11-14 00:47:13 多謝巴打 ,我對law firm 冇咩了解,因為有人推薦我搵law firm文職工,話做幾年之後可以做師爺,人工前景都幾好。

    #分享 各位in-house法務的工作內容跟比例 - 法律人板 | Dcard

    #分享 各位in-house法務的工作內容跟比例 ... 科技業 律師. 因為從事法務工作多年的小弟親自處理訴訟的機會少的可憐,所以面試小弟的人只要有問到訴訟經驗這題,結果就是無聲卡或感謝函 所以好奇從事法務工作的各位在各產業的工作內容跟比例,順便減少之後 ...

    你準備好做In-house律師了嗎? - 壹讀

    地位. 毫無疑問,私人開業律師才是真正意義上的和完整意義上的律師,在大多數人的眼裡,私人開業律師比In-house律師要更有權威和水準,這種簡單的比較和結論雖然對in-house律師不完全公平,但這是現實,如果你要做in-house律師,你必須面對這樣的現實,可能經常會有人問你:「你為什麼不去律師 ...

    The changing role of the in-house legal team in Hong Kong

    By Kirsty Dougan. Today, most big businesses in Hong Kong will have some form of in-house legal function. In an environment where regulation and legislation are constantly changing and more companies are operating on a pan-Asian basis, it is essential. Despite current unsettling times, Hong Kong is, and will continue to be, a legal hub.

    有冇巴絲做律師樓? | Lihkg 討論區

    係 但好少可係大firm TC. 九月完叫醒我2021-07-17 11:18:21. 其他firm可能係 你睇下Deacons retain 個堆trainee 係邊啲大學畢業 再睇下文員讀上去做律師嘅會係邊啲大學畢業. 九月完叫醒我2021-07-17 11:20:17. 係啊 但做paralegal再讀pcll後入到大firm嘅更加少入. 高齡學生2021-07-17 11:45: ...

    "In-house"律師 還是 律師嗎? - 優越工作情報網

    通俗點說,In-house就是"用自己人"。. 與In-house 律師對應的就是律師事務所裡面的執業律師。. 一般來講,In- house律師包括公司法律顧問、政府律師、非營利機構的法律顧問。. 本文的內容將涉及公司法律顧問的求職、工作、收入等問題。. 中國的律師業仍處於 ...

    做緊In house律師既入一入黎 - 上班台 - 香港高登討論區

    想問下你地識唔識人一完training,NQ就去做in house? 人工同工時理唔理想? 做緊In house律師既入一入黎 雪餅月球. 2016 ... 高登多廢青 邊有律師

    讀Law後 可以做香港的企業法律顧問嗎 (in house legal counsel)?

    1. Legal counsel. 真正意義上的企業法律顧問,掌管企業的法律部門。. 叫得Counsel (律師), 必須是執業律師。. 一般來說最少2年PQE (PQE即執業後)。. 如果Senior counsel更通常7-9 PQE。. MNC 與 FI (金融機構)普遍要求candidate於國際大行有Corporate Finance執業經驗。. 收入大約 ...

    Beachside Chat: What In-House Counsels Want To Know - Star Anise

    As we all know, the General Counsel position is usually the top of the legal chain in the in-house arena. To increase your chances of advancing to this role internally, you should network both internally and externally with external counsel. You should also grasp every opportunity to increase/advance your exposure to the business and every ...

    What do in-house counsel really want from law firms?

    The theme of that training should always focus on identifying the particular circumstances of any given in-house client and any given matter and how to tailor advice to be really client focused. RH: Excellent value. A close relationship. At times they don't follow through in terms of keeping the relationship warm.

    寫code,工程,律師,邊行需要既智力高d,其實? | LIHKG 討論區

    要打官司的律師吧 起碼有對手, 有分輸贏 李彥宏 2024-07-03 15:06:56 黎黎去去都係買樓結婚離婚遺囑破產,可以有咩特殊special case

    Bringing the In-House Counsel Community together in Hong Kong, again.

    A look into the Hong Kong In-House Community Congress, 2022. On 15 November 2022, we were once again able to meet in person for the 24th annual Hong Kong In-House Community Congress at the J.W. Marriott, Hong Kong. The day presented a refreshing reminder of the value of face-to-face interaction as we delved into various topics of interest to ...

    你準備好做In-house律師了嗎? | Zi 字媒體

    In-house」一詞在Webster』s Dictionary中是這樣解釋的:「using anorganization』s own staff rather than someone from outside」。通俗點說,In- house就是「用自己人

    Hong Kong - In-House Community

    In-House Insights with Kenneth Wong of LINK REIT April 25, 2024; In-House Insights Archive; Close; Surveys & Awards. Celebrating Excellence in Legal Practice: Results from the In-House Community Counsel of the Year Awards 2023 January 3, 2024; IHC Commended External Counsel Hong Kong, 2022-23 December 13, 2023

    有錢就做到律師 | Lihkg 討論區

    淨係講事務律師唔講大律師,PCLL完就開始為期兩年嘅實習期,實習律師第一年一般由20k到65k都有,第二年通常都會加返幾千蚊至一萬蚊人工。. 兩年後順利完咗實習成為正式律師,第一年嘅正式律師人工一般由每月40k-120k都有 (未計花紅,不過間間都唔同就唔講啦 ...

    做緊律師樓 你問我答 | Lihkg 討論區

    打丁狂人2016-12-01 12:38:25. 做律師行邊到有得好撈架 十個律師九個都臭脾氣既 遇到個好既,又要睇佢肯唔肯教你野 / 你自己學唔學到野 人工又唔係高,不過叫左多見識、出去同朋友食飯聚會多啲野講. 睇下你好撈既定義係咩啦 識見客識搵生意既 可以搵唔少啦講真 ...

    Hong Kong national security law: who are the 8 targeted with HK$1 ...

    Nearly all have urged sanctions on city, while most linked to 2019 social unrest and online calls for activism before and after leaving, according to police.

    Hong Kong In-House Community Congress 2023

    Date/Time Date(s) - 05 Oct 20238:30 am - 5:00 pm Location JW Marriott Hotel Categories In-House Congress The Hong Kong In-House Community Congress, 2023 will bring together leading in-house lawyers, CEOs, company directors and compliance professionals from both the private and public sectors in Hong Kong. Delegates will participate in workshops featuring prominent business leaders and …

    呢間律師樓咁嘅出手係咪忽撚咗 | Lihkg 討論區

    但DoJ 兩年就有得acting SGC, 又追返magic circle 人工,但放7點鐘 有啲US firm 過7-8年就逼你升consultant, 到時無生意又係煩,轉去in-house 又唔一定高人工過DoJ 日日放7點,假期永無ot, 月月袋十幾萬到65歲 題外話,都見過DoJ 出返嚟做到ifirm dispute resolution. 愛囡囡協會會長2022 ...

    有冇巴絲做律師樓? | Lihkg 討論區

    我個fd考咗llb都唔想再考落去做律師 做文員又冇嘢負責 做律師有太多責任 輕輕鬆鬆拎晒佢啲福利算 ThomasTuchel 2021-07-16 12:46:37 佢offer幾多?

    agency vs in-house | LIHKG 討論區

    Grad左3年間做過幾個唔同嘅行業,上年年尾開始返左間agency 做左1年左右,個陣因為想入行所以個價開得唔高,所以就可能因為咁感覺work life balance 比重好差 (不過都明agency 係普遍係咁)。. 最近無意中in 成左一間in-house mnc, 做嘅嘢同我做開差唔多,只係變咗做in ...

    路透社:美律師事務所德杰考慮撤出中港 曾與員工討論搬遷新加坡 | Lihkg 討論區

    再有外國律師事務所縮減或關閉中港業務。《路透社》報道,美國律師事務所德杰(Dechert LLP)考慮關閉在香港和北京的辦事處,並曾與員工討論搬遷到新加坡的可能性。網頁顯示,德杰在大中華區只有香港和北京的辦事處,關閉計劃一旦落實,意味德杰會結束在大中華區所有辦事處,並在東亞僅 ...