
    2024-07-11 11:59

    對持有加密貨幣,或是經營加密貨幣相關服務的新創來說,如何在會計與財務實務上認列與表達,是 Blockchain 創業者需要重視的課題。. 今年以來,購買、投資加密貨幣的交易熱潮持續升溫,以及 Blockchain 新創推出的加密貨幣應用功能日趨多元,例如,從基本的 ...


    Blockchain Accounting: Definition And Opportunities - The Knowledge Academy

    Blockchain Accounting is a new way of keeping financial records that uses Blockchain technology. It cuts out the intermediaries, lowers the chances of mistakes, and shows the latest data. It changes how Accounting works in different sectors. While new challenges are bound to rear their heads, the potential benefits far outweigh the obstacles.

    Impacts of Blockchain on Accounting in the Business

    The article analyzed four aspects: the level of information technology of the accountant (IT), Information Security Infrastructure (SI), Training (TR), and Legality and Regulation (LR), affecting the application of blockchain in the business. The independent variables TR (training) and IT (information technology) have an impact on BL (Blockchain).

    Blockchain Explained and Implications for Accountancy - ISACA

    Blockchain Explained and Implications for Accountancy. Blockchain technology underlies cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum and is capable of storing data that has notably useful characteristics, especially for accounting data. Blockchain technology has been described as a highly secure version of a Google document that can be shared ...

    別讓 ICO 被 Accounting 打趴,Blockchain 新創必須知道的會計觀念 | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈新聞媒體

    Blockchain 的創業者來說,也許未必熟悉會計原則。 但這部分將牽涉到新創的長期發展策略,重要性不容小覷。 此外,2018 年 ICO 的外在大環境快速由熱轉冷,究竟該以 ICO 或 IPO 籌資,作為未來的財務策略?

    淺談加密資產之會計議題 - KPMG Taiwan

    加密資產會計處理 仍有賴專業判斷. 目前各國準則制定機構對於加密資產的會計處理,雖已有初步共識,惟仍處於討論的階段而尚未有最後定論。. 如上所述,由於每類加密資產特徵不同,因此因應的會計處理皆不同,甚至IFRIC 於 2018 年的研究結果提到,某些 ...

    【AppWorks精選】Blockchain新創如何在財報上認列持有的加密貨幣? | 鏈新聞 ABMedia

    對持有加密貨幣,或是經營加密貨幣相關服務的新創來說,如何在會計與財務實務上認列與表達,是 Blockchain 創業者需要重視的課題。 今年以來,購買、投資加密貨幣的交易熱潮持續升溫,以及 Blockchain 新創推出的加密貨幣應用功能日趨多元,例如,從基本的 ...

    當 ICO 遇上 Accounting,區塊鏈新創必須知道的會計觀念 - INSIDE

    Blockchain 的創業者來說,也許未必熟悉會計原則。. 但這部分將牽涉到新創的長期發展策略,重要性不容小覷。. 對 Blockchain 新創來說,各式 ICO (Initial Coin Offering) 已經是主流的籌資管道。. 然而,無論是以傳統的股份有限公司、有限公司、基金會,還是新型態 ...

    Where accounting really stands with blockchain - Journal of Accountancy

    Hosted by Jeff Drew. February 3, 2020. Blockchain has been touted over the past few years as a potential game-changer for the accounting profession — a distributed, digitized database where transactions can be approved without the need for third-party assurance, and records are immutable because the information is stored in cryptographically ...

    Impacts of Blockchain on Accounting in the Business

    Many comments have been made about the influence of Blockchain technology on accounting information systems from many angles. Specifically, they argue that. Blockchains also allow for a higher level of transpar-ency than traditional accounting, reducing the risk of embezzlement and misappropriation of assets.

    投資熱潮持續升溫!企業持有的加密貨幣,應歸屬何種會計科目? - 區塊客

    對持有加密貨幣,或是經營加密貨幣相關服務的新創來說,如何在會計與財務實務上認列與表達,是 Blockchain 創業者需要重視的課題。. 今年以來,購買、投資加密貨幣的交易熱潮持續升溫,以及 Blockchain 新創推出的加密貨幣應用功能日趨多元,例如,從基本的 ...

    Blockchain 新創如何在財報上認列持有的加密貨幣? - AppWorks 之初加速器

    對持有加密貨幣,或是經營加密貨幣相關服務的新創來說,如何在會計與財務實務上認列與表達,是 Blockchain 創業者需要重視的課題。. 今年以來,購買、投資加密貨幣的交易熱潮持續升溫,以及 Blockchain 新創推出的加密貨幣應用功能日趨多元,例如,從基本的 ...

    當 ICO 遇上 Accounting,Blockchain 新創必須知道的會計觀念|Meet創業小聚

    Blockchain 的創業者來說,也許未必熟悉會計原則。 但這部分將牽涉到新創的長期發展策略,重要性不容小覷。 此外,2018 年 ICO 的外在大環境快速由熱轉冷, 究竟該以 ICO 或 IPO 籌資,作為未來的財務策略?

    區塊鏈上的會計師 - Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public ...

    即使在商界工作,我們也要將財務會計、管理會計、稅務及商業法等不同知識融會貫通,經過全盤分析才能作出業務決策。」 鄭英輝很高興能於 Algorand 基金會工作,走在區塊鏈的前沿。儘管偶爾較晚下班,但他最近學會在工作與娛樂之間取得平衡。

    What Is Blockchain? (And Why Does It Matter for the Big 4)

    Blockchain is a digital form of a ledger where transactions are made. The transactions can be made in bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. It doesn't even nescessarilly have to be a specific currency. It can be just economic transactions. The difference between a blockchain and other transactional ledgers is that it is not recorded in one single ...

    Executive Certificate in BlockChain Application for Accounting and ...

    Blockchain technology continues to grow in importance across multiple industries and professions around the world. The accounting and auditing profession is no exception. Companies are using blockchain to improve enterprise resource planning (ERP), especially in areas such as supplier management and procurement.

    Blockchain對會計師之威脅尤勝AI | am730

    Blockchain對會計師之威脅尤勝AI. 區塊鏈可應用於金融和會計領域,圖為數據中心。. (資料圖片) 早前寫了篇《AI=會計師末日?. 》,除了探討人工智能 ...

    PDF 區塊鏈會計

    如會計有主管機關,不可能是 去中心化的,而且會計活動的 主體也不可能是匿名的。有學 者建議區塊鏈會計可以效法井 尻雄士的三式記帳法( Ijiri, 1986),其中第三方記帳改 以區塊鏈(公共帳本)替代 (Sarkar,2018)。未來如果 區塊鏈會計發展成熟,只需要

    區塊鏈在會計及審計領域之綜合性分析及可行應用 = Blockchain Technology in Accounting and ...

    有鑒於區塊鏈為一項預期對會計及審計專業帶來重大轉變之新興科技,本研究旨在對會計及審計領域中有關區塊鏈之學術文章做文獻探討。本研究方法是遵循Snyder (2019)所定義之半系統性文獻探討,由國外學者評定之前60篇國際會計期刊中篩選出80 篇學術文章作為最終樣本,並以此80篇學術文章之出版 ...

    NTU Theses and Dissertations Repository: 區塊鏈在會計及審計領域之綜合性分析及可行應用

    blockchain,smart contract,triple-entry bookkeeping,accounting,continuous auditing,accountability,cryptoasset, 出版年 : 2022: 學位: 碩士: 摘要: 有鑒於區塊鏈為一項預期對會計及審計專業帶來重大轉變之新興科技,本研究旨在對會計及審計領域中有關區塊鏈之學術文章做文獻探討。

    NTU Theses and Dissertations Repository: 區塊鏈技術與會計議題探討

    目前探討區塊鏈技術與會計領域應用的研究為數並不多,本研究針對「triple entry accounting」與「blockchain-based accounting system」兩個出鏡頻率頗高的會計議題做進一步的釐清與彙整,並希望從中梳理出區塊鏈技術對會計實務的影響與意義。. The blockchain is a new database ...

    安永家族辦公室傳承前瞻觀點 — 安永2024年家族治理調研白皮書(二) — 接班在即!探索家族企業股權傳承與企業未來發展之道

    Blockchain 區塊鏈如何降低海上保險風險的流動性?(EN) ... 本資料之編製僅為一般資訊目的,並非旨在成為可仰賴的會計、稅務或其他專業建議。 ...

    Blockchain對會計師之威脅尤勝AI | LIHKG 討論區

    若應用在金融和會計領域,可以建構出一套專為經濟交易而設的電子分類帳。區塊鏈數據庫包含兩類型紀錄,分別是「交易(Transaction)」和「區塊(Block)」。 ... 瓜瓜沒有水晶球,無法預測Blockchain以至AI的未來發展,但有一點肯定,身為會計師,特別是年輕一群,單 ...