PolyU SPEED BBA (Hons) in Accountancy - Part-time

    2024-07-06 16:30

    Graduates are able to pursue a wide range of careers, including accountancy, auditing, taxation, finance, management consultancy and other general management positions. The average employment rate of graduates from 2019 to 2021 was 81%*, with the average starting salary around HK$22.4K. * Source: PolyU SPEED Graduate Employment Survey 2021.

    open u part time degree 會計

    理大專業進修學院 - 會計學(榮譽)工商管理學士 - 兼讀制

    非商業相關學系的申請人(即持有非會計/商業的副學士學位或同等資格的持有人)並取得良好學術成績,其入讀本課程的申請也將被考慮。如這些申請人之前沒有修畢相關科目,則會被要求額外修讀最多 5 科的基礎科目。

    【Top Up Degree全攻略】一文讀懂咩叫銜接學士學位,入讀方法要求全公開!丨AfterSchool

    Top-up Degree課程入學要求. 由於唔同院校及唔同課程嘅入學要求都有所不同,AfterSchool幫大家整理咗一般較常見嘅要求,俾有意報讀嘅人士作為參考:. 完成修讀香港副學士或高級文憑課程,或即將於該學年畢業. 成績(GPA)最少達到 2.0 分或以上. 中英文達一定程度 ...

    part time 讀Degree - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    大 中 小. 繁 簡. 我出左黎做野幾年, 讀左ive HD會計, 現在想Part time讀埋degree.. 睇左d資料 1. cityU scope 無hons 16個月, 6萬 有hons 28個月, 11萬 張cert由Edinburgh Napier University 頒發 2. hku space 有hons 18個月, 11萬 張cert由University of Hull 頒發 3. vtc shape 有hons 14個月, 6萬3 張cert由 ...

    [會計] Part time degree 選擇邊間好? - Discuss.com.hk

    原帖由 哈囉自信的手袋 於 2019-11-20 10:50 PM 發表 小弟就來讀完advance diploma in accounting, 想讀上去part time degree 1. Open U distance learning 2. HKU space hull accounting 3. City U Napier. 其實首選係你自己個間學校或機構建議個個既,佢地會話你知,你讀書adv dip,會駁去邊間大學,跟住又 ...

    Part time degree 選擇邊間好?(頁 1) - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 (純文字版本)

    小弟就來讀完advance diploma in accounting, 想讀上去part time degree 1. Open U distance learning 2. HKU space hull accounting 3. City U Napier [/quote] 1. Open U distance learning: 最難讀, 功課量又多 2. HKU space hull accounting: 垃圾U, 低ranking U, ranking仲要每況如下(利申: 我係一個校友) 3.

    會計及金融 - 商業及管理 - 課程一覽表 - 兼讀制課程 - 香港中文大學專業進修學院

    會計高等文憑課程 Advanced Diploma Programme in Accounting. 24/09/2024 現正接受報名. 4. Algorithmic Trading System Development Workshop 算法交易系統開發工作坊. 07/10/2024 現正接受報名. 不適用. From Continuing Obligations to Dissolution of Hong Kong Listed Companies 香港上市公司從持續責任到結束. 07 ...

    BSc (Hons) Accounting (CEF) - 香港大學專業進修學院: Accounting課程

    The BSc ( Hons) Accounting programme is a joint collaboration between HKU SPACE and the Hull University Business School in the delivery of a BSc ( Hons) Accounting in Hong Kong. Upon completion of the programme, students will be awarded the Bachelor degree qualification by the University of Hull. The programme to be offered in Hong Kong is ...

    BA (Hons) Accounting (Top-up Degree) | University of ... - Kaplan

    Level 5 entry - 1 ½ years in part-time. Level 6 entry - 1 year in part-time. Medium of Instruction English Honours Award Honours in the degree will be awarded based on the total mark of all courses in accordance with the University's course regulations. Teaching Mode. Face-to-face tuition in Hong Kong; Each semester is a 6-month period ...

    Part Time Top-up Degree兼讀銜接學位 | 新特蘭大學香港分校

    University of Sunderland in Hong Kong -Honours Degree and National Higher Diploma. 在職人士可以兼讀制形式於9至36個月內完成學士課程. *學生需符合英語水平入學要求. 以上課程已於香港非本地課程註冊處註冊,學生可申請由學生資助處提供的擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃;. 個別 ...

    A PolyU SPEED Part-time Degree Brings You More Benefits…

    As a part-time student of PolyU SPEED, you may get scholarships of up to a total of $60,000 during your studies: Admission Scholarship (Award GPA ≥ 3.0 in sub-degree study) and Progression Scholarship of up to $45,000, OR. Lifelong Learning Studentship (Award GPA between 2.00 to 2.99 in sub-degree study) and Progression Scholarship of up to ...

    會計高等文憑課程Advanced Diploma Programme in Accounting - 會計及金融 - 商業及管理 - 課程 ...

    本課程適合有意在會計領域發展知識和技能,並追求會計專業職業生涯的人士。 該課程旨在為學員提供扎實而豐富的財務會計、管理會計、稅務和法律知識。使學員能夠獲得具體和實用的會計知識和技能,以助未來職業發展及獲取會計領域的專業資格。

    會計學課程及短期課程 - 香港大學專業進修學院。瀏覽我們的兼讀制及全日制課程。

    會計學. 會計課程在香港一直有殷切需求。. 我們提供一系列由證書至學士學位程度的會計課程。. 這些課程作為學生升讀學士、深造學位和專業資格的途徑提供了一個升學階梯。. 我們與國際知名學府、本地和國際專業會計團體緊密合作。. 課程均由經驗豐富的 ...

    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Finance - University of ... - HKMA

    The University of Greenwich and the HKMA offer the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Finance to assist candidates to pursue the professional qualification in the area of accountancy. The programme aims at seeking to ensure exemptions from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Graduates of the programme are entitled to the maximum exemptions of six ACCA papers*, which ...

    BBA Accountancy | CityU Admission - City University of Hong Kong

    會計是公認的"商業語言",是各行各業取得商業成功以及追求卓越表現不可或缺的基石。 會計學專業為您提供了巨大的就業前景和廣闊的教育機會。 會計學不僅有助於學生成為會計專業人士,還可以幫助學生進入自己理想的行業,無論是從事財務審計工作還是 ...

    Sharing by Graduates | CityU SCOPE

    Full-Time Graduates. 梁瑞盈現為一所金融機構的管理見習生,主要從事信貸評估的後勤工作。. 她有見會計及金融為香港的支柱產業,能提供很多就業和發展機會,再加上本身的興趣,因此自副學位時,已選修相關範疇,並報讀本課程繼續進修。. 她認為,課程內容 ...

    Accounting Part-time degree 邊間好?(頁 1) - 升學心得交流 - 香港討論區 (純文字版本)

    請問以下邊個Accounting Part-time degree比較好阿? CityU Scope:BA (Hons) Accounting, Edinburgh Napier UniversityBA (Hons) Accounting and Finance, Edinburgh Napier UniversityOpenU:Bachelor of Business Administrati... 香港討論區 香港討論區(香討)為全港5大最高瀏覽率的網站之一,主要討論涵蓋新聞時事、娛樂、飲食、潮流、各行各業、地產 ...

    Part-Time study | Research Degrees | Open University

    Part-time study. MPhil, PhD, DHSC and EdD degrees are all available for part-time study. MPhil and PhD students are normally required to be resident in the UK, whereas the DHSC and EdD programme is available to students living anywhere in the world. Studying part-time may be more convenient if you need to balance your studies with work and ...

    會計 / 核數工作 | Part Time Jobs - 兼職網

    搜尋找到104份會計 / 核數工作。正在招聘會計 / 核數的公司包括有Yamato Logistics (HK) Ltd.,ARAL Holdings Limited,Golden Key Personnel Consultancy Limited,Settle Up Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited,Manpower Services (Hong Kong),Ex-R Consulting Limited,智樂兒童遊樂協會,六福集團有限公司,CLG Business Advisory Limited,KEK Consultancy Company ...

    Full time vs part time study (with a job) : r/OpenUniversity - Reddit

    Timothy_Claypole. • 7 yr. ago. Yes you can study part time and work a normal job. You have to make time on weekends and evening for studying but 15 hours a week outside of a normal job is doable. You cannot finish faster because the course ends when it ends.

    Part time course - how much time commitment is actually needed?

    It's not a situation where you're enrolled in a part-time program or a full-time program, it's just a matter of how many modules you're enrolled in at the time. So, if you finish the Level 1 modules and then decide you want to do full-time you can register for all the Level 2 modules for the following term, assuming all the modules you need ...

    Accounting Part-time degree 邊間好? - Discuss.com.hk

    請問以下邊個Accounting Part-time degree比較好阿? CityU Scope: BA (Hons) Accounting, Edinburgh Napier University. BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance, Edinburgh Napier University. OpenU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Accounting. HKU Space:

    Hurricane Beryl roars through open waters as a monstrous Category 5 ...

    Mitchell noted that the bulk of spices are grown in the northern part of the island, which was hit hardest by Beryl. Historic hurricane. Beryl has broken several records, including marking the farthest east that a hurricane has formed in the tropical Atlantic in June, according to Philip Klotzbach, Colorado State University hurricane researcher.

    Beryl strengthens into the earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on ...

    Its intensity also marks just the second time an Atlantic hurricane has reached Category 5 status in July after Emily did so on July 17, 2005, according to the National Hurricane Center. Beryl's ...