BSc Accounting and Finance - Undergraduate Programmes - HKU SPACE ...

    2024-07-11 08:28

    Fees andFunding. Tuition fees* of the entire programme for 2024/25 include HKD206,400 to HKU SPACE and GBP7,596 to University of London and HKD15,730 to HKEAA (12 courses and to be completed in 3 years). An application fee GBP60 payable to the University of London also applies. To be adjusted in February 2025.

    BSc Accounting and Finance - Undergraduate Programmes - HKU SPACE ...

    Advanced Diploma in Accounting (CEF) - 香港大學專業 ... - HKUSPACE

    Advanced Diploma in Accounting This programme is a 2.5-year part-time advanced diploma course, which will provide students with a solid foundation in the accounting field. The subjects in the course have been designed so that holders of the Advanced Diploma can seek exemptions from various professional examinations.

    BSc (Hons) Accounting (CEF) - 香港大學專業進修學院 ... - HKUSPACE

    The BSc ( Hons) Accounting programme is a joint collaboration between HKU SPACE and the Hull University Business School in the delivery of a BSc ( Hons) Accounting in Hong Kong. Upon completion of the programme, students will be awarded the Bachelor degree qualification by the University of Hull. The programme to be offered in Hong Kong is ...

    會計學高級文憑 - 會計學 - 香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院

    課程Facebook 專頁. 本課程前身為商業學高級文憑(會計),於2016-17學年重組,新課程名稱為會計學高級文憑。. 會計學高級文憑為兩年制課程,同學於第一學年修讀涵蓋通用技能及專業商業學單元的共同核心課程。. 課程設計除了提供語文訓練及通識教育外,更讓 ...

    會計學高級文憑 - 會計及財務策劃學 - 香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院

    本課程前身為商業學高級文憑(會計及財務策劃),於2016-17學年重組,新課程名稱為會計學高級文憑。. 會計學高級文憑為兩年制課程,同學於第一學年修讀涵蓋通用技能及專業商業學單元的共同核心課程。. 課程設計除了提供語文訓練及通識教育外,更讓同學 ...

    BSc (Hons) Accounting - Undergraduate Programmes - HKU SPACE ...

    The BSc (Hons) Accounting programme (Full Time Mode) is a joint collaboration between HKU SPACE and the Hull University Business School. Students need to study 9 modules and can complete in 12 months. Upon completion of the programme, students will be awarded the Bachelor degree qualification by the University of Hull.

    會計學高級文憑 - HKU SPACE Community College

    HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee. HKU SPACE Community College Lee Shiu Building, 28 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon

    會計及金融課程及短期課程 - 香港大學專業 ... - Hkuspace

    會計及金融. 香港的金融業發展精密完善,舉世知名,更是本地經濟的重要基石。. 我們致力培育金融及會計方面人材,並協助他們取得可以幫助晉升的相關資歷。. 照顧各階層及不同範疇金融專才的所需,我們的課程涵蓋會計學、企業管理、金融法規、金融服務 ...

    [會計巴絲請入] HKU Space定Kaplan Coversion好啲? - 學術台 - 香港高登討論區

    [會計巴絲請入] HKU Space定Kaplan Coversion好啲? ARUBBISH. 2021-04-17 16:18:07 建立時間 2021-04-17 16:18:07 最後回覆時間 0. 回覆 0. 正評 0. 負評 ARUBBISH. 2021-04-17 16:18:07. 想問下讀過conversion programme 嘅巴絲邊間好啲? 有咩優劣?

    讀完HKU SPACE ADA - 會計 Accounting -

    可以選hull~hkuspace個dip可以直升上去~只要你夠GPA2.0就OK~個degree可以入QP~資歷架構5~政府認可~ 可以嘗試Edinburg Napier或者是澳洲的 Curtin。 如果香港重有 University of Southern Queensland呢間澳洲一星級大學(最差的級數)我個舊老細就係以這個學位取得CPAA 。

    無會計底想進修 - 學術台 - 香港高登討論區

    2011年會計hd畢業 做左一年無做 二個字講哂 垃圾 首先你無牌你做十二二十年都係會計文員唔會過20k 因為唔抵 做既野又手板眼見工夫 是但換個fg都頂到你 其次人工唔高仲要不停進修考呢個試果個試 仲有比保護費啲專業會先有得考 再者 會計經理好多都仆街 為左展現出佢地節流既能力 請人唔壓你價價 ...

    BSc Accounting and Finance 會計及金融學理學士 - HKUSPACE

    Each HKU SPACE tuition course comprises a total of 54 teaching hours (16 lessons). Lessons will be arranged on weekdays from 7:00 - 10:20pm (3 hours and 20 Minutes) & Saturday (s) / Sunday (s) (3-7 hours). Classes will be held in Admiralty or other HKUSPACE learning centres, subject to availability. Note:

    無知一問hku space gpa點樣計 | LIHKG 討論區

    小弟今年year1 想問吓 爆GPA應該係4.3? 跟住如果五科 係咪每科都分別有個GPA 最終GPA就係五個加埋除五? 每科嘅係拉curve定係絕對分制? 上網睇到呢一個表: Standard Grade / mark GPA A+ 95-100 4.3 A 85-94 4.0 A- 80-84 3.7 B+ 75-79 3.3 B 70-74 3.0 B- 65-69 2.7 C+ 61-64 2.3 C 58-60 2.0 呢個表啱唔啱係咪適合用係所有科? 如果啱 ...

    會計學高級文憑 - 會計及銀行學 - 香港大學專業進修學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院

    本課程前身為商業學高級文憑(會計及銀行),於2016-17學年重組,新課程名稱為會計學高級文憑。. 會計學高級文憑為兩年制課程,同學於第一學年修讀涵蓋通用技能及專業商業學單元的共同核心課程。. 課程設計除了提供語文訓練及通識教育外,更讓同學對 ...

    Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting 專業會計 ... - HKUSPACE

    The Programme provides a very practical and all-round knowledge in financial accounting, costing, taxation, finance and auditing and is internationally recognised by a number of professional accounting organizations. For more details, please contact [email protected]. More Events. Same as Master programme, this programme is pitched at QF ...

    工商管理學學士(會計及財務)/ 工商管理學學士(會計數據分析) | Admissions Office, the Registry

    位於國際金融中心的工商管理培訓. 工商管理學學士(會計及財務)課程重點教授學生在會計專業的知識,並培養學生的領導才能,讓學生為考取專業會計師資格做好準備,及於財金行業晉升至管理層打下堅實的基礎。. 工商管理學學士(會計數據分析)課程除了 ...

    Certificate for Module (HKICPA Professional Examinations ... - HKUSPACE

    HKU SPACE offers the Examination Preparatory Programme for the HKICPA (New QP) Associate Level Examination to be held in May 2024. ... 證書 (單元: 香港會計師公會專業考試備試課程 - 財務會計) COURSE CODE 33C125765: FEES $4,000: ENQUIRY 2867-8391: Continuing Education Fund This course has been included in the list of ...

    勸各位巴打絲打唔好入hkuspace | LIHKG 討論區

    到你報non jupas就知 ,asso可能好啲但一定差過hkcc. Greninja2017-07-13 13:32:48. 唔好玩啦 hkuspace係最好 資源最充足喎 hkcc本部設施資源差 lecturer仲差. 咪撚水鳩人. 屌啦 嗰陣去space in嗰陣覺得好過hkcc嗰building 同埋又可以入hku 扮 hku仔 相反 hkcc.

    Certificate for Module (LCC & I Examination Preparatory ... - HKUSPACE

    會計及金融 . 會計學; 企業管治 ... If you are applying to / have enrolled for more than one programme/course with HKU SPACE, please check to ensure that there are no scheduling conflicts before submitting your application. While we will try to minimise any timetable changes, please note that issues of lecturer and room availability ...

    Accounting Tips: 會計 (Accounting) 是甚麼? Article - HKU SPACE

    HKU SPACE,Accounting Tips: 會計 (Accounting) 是甚麼? Article