嚟緊要上Conversion一問 | LIHKG 討論區

    2024-07-11 07:19

    穩定難求2021-03-14 18:45:51. 其實係咪一定要上conversion 後悔冇早啲搵時間問hr 但佢入面好多modules 係u都讀過晒. 千里之行始於足下2021-03-14 18:51:45. 穩定難求2021-03-14 18:53:13. 但我直頭唔是audit 為咗Exempt 我搵course outline搵到焦頭爛額. 星之肥脾2021-03-15 01:16:40. Send email 問 ...

    嚟緊要上Conversion一問 | LIHKG 討論區

    Kaplan - HKICPA Accredited Conversion Programme

    (HKICPA Accredited Conversion Programme) Kaplan專業會計師考試銜接課程(Professional Diploma in Accountancy)的目標是彌補非會計學位和會計學位持有者之間的學識差距。完成銜接課程後,考生便能開始應考各會計師公會的專業會計師考試。

    Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting - HKU SPACE

    The Programme provides a very practical and all-round knowledge in financial accounting, costing, taxation, finance and auditing and is internationally recognised by a number of professional accounting organizations. For more details, please contact [email protected]. 29. Jun 2024.

    邊間Conversion Course好 - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    如果呢的人真係咁醒, 點解唔一早讀會計degree, 而走去讀完其他的degree 跟住又經 conversion course 過黎考番個會計師牌呀. 走一個大圈, 唔係咁make sense 噃. 唔通真係笨七加個箍. 重有, 如果真係咁醒, 係佢地讀既個行, 應該好掂先係呀, 咁使乜走過界黎會計呢行爭飯食喎.

    Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting 專業會計深造文憑

    The Programme provides a very practical and all-round knowledge in financial accounting, costing, taxation, finance and auditing and is internationally recognised by a number of professional accounting organizations. For more details, please contact [email protected]. More Events. Same as Master programme, this programme is pitched at QF ...

    專業會計學高級文憑課程 - Vtc入學網頁

    本課程旨在訓練學生在數碼經濟中會計職務所需的各項實務能力,包括商業分析的元素,以便提供相關的服務及支援。. 專業認可. 畢業生可申請豁免部分專業考試 : 特許公認會計師公會. 香港會計師公會. 註解. 2023入學分數即2023年度獲取錄學生於香港中學文憑 ...

    會計學課程及短期課程 - 香港大學專業進修學院。瀏覽我們的兼讀制及全日制課程。

    會計學. 會計課程在香港一直有殷切需求。. 我們提供一系列由證書至學士學位程度的會計課程。. 這些課程作為學生升讀學士、深造學位和專業資格的途徑提供了一個升學階梯。. 我們與國際知名學府、本地和國際專業會計團體緊密合作。. 課程均由經驗豐富的 ...

    New Qualification Programme (New QP)| Kaplan Financial - Accountancy ...

    Big 4 Firms: We teach Big 4 Firms for CP/QP/The Capstone over 10 years. Prize Winners: We have been teaching more than 106 Prize Winners Video Recording: Video recording service is available for students to catch up their classes.. 60,000+ students: We have been teaching more than 60,000 public and Big 4 students in the last 10 years. Free eLearning platform: Provide the most flexibility to ...

    Qualification Programme (QP) Exam Revision Course - 香港商業專科學校

    Module 5 Information Management. $ 1,500.00 - $ 3,600.00. 本網提供了報讀商專的各項課程資料,包括會計、商業、工商管理、英語及科技資訊等。. 由兼讀制至全日制的課程,助同學考取不同的專業資格及提升學歷,為將來的升學及事業發展提供更好的準備.

    Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) - Kaplan

    Kaplan Free Course Platform offers you a wide range of online learning opportunities with just one click. It is suitable for learners who are interested to become a CPA or planning to take HKICPA / CPAA / ACCA exams. Visit https://free.kaplan.com.hk and you will find a course that suits you perfectly.

    會計及金融 - 商業及管理 - 課程一覽表 - 兼讀制課程 - 香港中文大學專業進修學院

    會計高等文憑課程 Advanced Diploma Programme in Accounting. 24/09/2024 現正接受報名. 4. Algorithmic Trading System Development Workshop 算法交易系統開發工作坊. 07/10/2024 現正接受報名. 不適用. From Continuing Obligations to Dissolution of Hong Kong Listed Companies 香港上市公司從持續責任到結束. 07 ...

    Module exemption at Associate Level - Hong Kong Institute of Certified ...

    5. (Module 1 - Module 5) Students can make up the non-exempted modules at Associate Level by either: passing the relevant Associate Module (s) (the QP Examination route); or. taking the relevant subject (s) corresponding to the non-exempted module (s) in one or more of the Institute's accredited programmes (the Program Study route) The list of ...

    Accredited degree programmes - Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public ...

    Master of Science in Accounting. The University of Hong Kong. BBA (Law) / BBA (Law) & LLB with a Professional Core in Accounting. BBA in Accounting & Finance. BBA in Accounting Data Analytics. Master of Accounting. Tung Wah College. BBA (Hons) with Major in Professional Accountancy. Institutions - Mainland.

    讀conversion program考ACCA | LIHKG 討論區

    你可以讀conversion考cpa,但千祈唔好做會計,同埋唔好考HKICPA,你做finance, compliance, risk都好過會計,當初無做會計去咗做真compliance 班友人工仲好過會計,而家入行做會計嗰啲 (尤其半途出家),一係勁鍾意會計,一係被人老點,一係走投無路連自己degree 個major都揾 ...

    Kaplan Financial - Accountancy | Kaplan Hong Kong

    Kaplan Financial, part of Kaplan, Inc., is the leading global provider of diverse education and training. Programmes include professional accountancy and financial training, vocational qualifications and Apprenticeships, financial markets, postgraduate and undergraduate degrees. Kaplan Financial combines 70 years of educational and learning ...

    請教讀conversion course!感激 - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    感激 - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1. [會計] 請教讀conversion course!. 感激. 多謝各位肯花點時間指教下我。. 我今年26歲。讀完asso, 跟住non 3 大university畢業,major in management, 之後去做admin之類的工,現在人工大約17k一個月。. 請問我依家用1 ...

    專業會計高級文憑 - 香港商業專科學校 - hksc.edu.hk

    專業會計高級文憑. 課程簡介:. 會計學課程旨在為有意投身會計及相關行業的同學而設,課程內容針對不同專業學會的公開考試而編訂,以備同學能擁有足夠的專業知識,逐步考取各級專業資格, 踏上會計專業之路。. 與此同時,課程亦重視提高同學的語文能力 ...

    Best Accounting Courses Online with Certificates [2024] | Coursera

    Skills you'll gain: Accounting, Cost Accounting, Leadership and Management, Management Accounting, Account Management, Financial Accounting, Budget Management, General Accounting, Critical Thinking, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 4.8. (750 reviews) Beginner · Course · 1 - 4 Weeks. C.

    會計文憑課程 - 香港商業專科學校

    會計文憑課程. (專門科目) 12個月課程,一條龍式考取會計員資格! 入學要求 : 完成DSE 或 HKCEE (已修讀BAFS - Accounting Module) 或 同等學歷 (已修讀LCCI LV2) It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead. 學費 :$17,600 (1,600 x 11期)

    BA (Hons) Accounting (Top-up Degree) | University of ... - Kaplan

    Candidates who do not comply with the fee schedule will not be permitted to proceed with the programme. Enroll to enjoy up to HK$2,000 ^ Early Bird-Rebate & HK$8,000 # Scholarship which are valid for application on or before 20 Jul, 2024 only.. For 6 units students: HK$2,000 Early Bird Rebate ^ + HK$8,000 Scholarship # . For 4 units students: HK$2,000 Early Bird Rebate ^ + HK$5,000 Scholarship #

    營造業之會計帳務處理與租稅申報實務【實體、同步遠距教學】 - 課程資訊 | 中原大學推廣教育處 Office of Continuing ...

    中原大學會計系兼任講師 【學歷】政治大學會計研究所 【現任】亞大聯合會計師事務所執業會計師、實用稅務旬刊聘任講師 【經歷】財政部證券暨期貨管理委員會約聘查核員、財政部財稅人員訓練所講師、中央大學教授、輔仁大學教授、東海大學教授